Get to Know These Amazing Black Moms on Instagram

In the enthusiasm around Black Lives Matter and this summer’s swell of support for racial justice, many white Instagram users who are new to the movement realized that our feeds looked… well, pretty white. It’s not easy to admit that something that seems as harmless as social media consumption can contribute to white supremacy, but it’s easy to ignore realities that we don’t see. Especially with so many of us isolated due to the pandemic, social media is a lifeline to our communities, so it’s more important than ever that we find ways to connect with people who have different perspectives and experiences.

While diversifying your Instagram feed won’t solve racism, it is a good first step — as long it’s done intentionally. Since Blackout Tuesday, many Black creators on Instagram have been flooded with new followers. But if those new followers don’t continue to interact with those accounts by liking and commenting, their engagement rates will drop and the Instagram algorithm will start to show their content to fewer people. By following accounts that we’re not really interested in, we can actually contribute to silencing the voices we’re trying to amplify.

If you truly want to bring diversity to your feed, seek out Instagrammers whose voices resonate with you and/or who create the kind of content that you enjoy. For every niche on Instagram, you can find creators of just about any race, age, gender identity, ability, nationality and religion. If your feed is short on melanin, start by searching hashtags like #sharethemicnow, #amplifyblackvoices and #blackgirlmagic. When you find an account you like, check to see who they follow and what hashtags they use; those will likely lead you to more great content by creators you’ll love. By being thoughtful and deliberate, you can easily bring real diversity — and even more wonderful content — to your Instagram experience.

To help you get started, we sought out some Insta-mamas who create lifestyle, parenting and wellness content that we think you’ll love! 


If you like beautiful-but-relatable lifestyle content, you’ll adore Chantéa, a California mom with four gorgeous children, a firefighter husband and a strong faith. Over on her blog, she covers topics ranging from infertility and adoption to faith, fashion, homeschooling, marriage and more. We love how open she is, whether she’s sharing tips for family photos or her experiences with endometriosis. 


Danielle is a nutritionist, attorney, and mama to two precious littles. We love her photos of daily life and her family’s beautiful Craftsman bungalow, healthy meal ideas and small-space organization inspiration that looks like it tumbled right out of a Real Simple spread. Visit her blog, Gheeful, for wonderfully written posts about wellness, motherhood, home decor and more!

Looking for constructive ways to keep your kids busy (and learning) at home? Check out Medinah’s colorful, cheerful and STEAM-packed Instagram feed! A mom to two boys who develops science curriculum for teachers and homeschooling parents, Medinah is an amazing source for fun home experiments you can do with your little ones. 


Tiffany is a homeschooling mama and co-owner of WonderHere, a Lakeland, Florida “learn and play” studio that offers classes and workshops as well as homeschool curriculum and resources. Along with pictures of her three beautiful kiddos and the stunning space she has created for playtime and schoolwork, Tiffany’s feed is full of Unschool- and Charlotte Mason-inspired ideas from her home and work classrooms, as well as a lot of encouragement, inspiration and gratitude. 


It’s not exaggerating to say that we are obsessed with Nicole’s bright and beautiful, Montessori-inspired aesthetic. This mama of two (including one brand-new baby!) is as passionate about interior design as she is about early childhood education, something that’s clear as you browse her feed — and her blog. Follow her for clever IKEA hacks, engaging activity ideas and gorgeous design galore.


Lorena is a cloth-diapering, baby-wearing, yoga-teaching, birth-coaching, homeschooling vegan, photographer, doula… and force of nature! If you need encouragement to get back to your fitness routine after the last few months, check out her amazing and joy-filled photos of acro yoga poses (often featuring her husband or two sons getting in on the action). Visit her website for cloth diaper information, vegan recipes and homeschool resources.

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