Simple Ways to Spread Joy

Joy is a funny thing: The more of it you give to others, the more you have to share! To celebrate the launch of our exclusive Joyride CandyCar, here are 10 easy things you can do today to spread a little love and light.

  1. Send a thank-you note.
    Sharing gratitude has been found to increase happiness, and you don’t have to wait for a gift or special occasion. Brighten someone’s day by sending a little note to say thank you — to your child’s teacher for their patience, to your letter carrier for hauling that heavy package up your driveway, or to your barista for helping you start your day off on a high note.
  2. Compliment a stranger.
    Does the woman in line with you at the grocery store have amazing shoes? Does the neighborhood crossing guard take the time to learn students’ names? Let them know you noticed!
  3. Tip generously.
    It’s no secret that it’s a tough time to be working a service job. If you can find room in your budget, double or triple your tip the next time you eat out or get a pedicure. You’re sure to make someone’s day.
  4. Compliment customer service.
    We’ve all called customer service lines when something has gone wrong, but how often do we call to share when something goes right? Next time you have a great experience with a company, call the customer service line to let them know about it — at least one telephone representative will go home with a smile on their face!
  5. Share unexpected praise.
    Whether it’s a junior colleague who came through on a work project or a child’s classmate who modeled great behavior, publicly praising someone’s effort (without shaming or comparing unfavorably to others) is an easy way to spread positivity.
  6. Send a care package.
    Pop some homemade cookies in the mail to a college student you know, or have a favorite self-care product shipped to a faraway friend. 
  7. Make a donation.
    Every little contribution counts! Send a few dollars to a local food pantry, make a charitable contribution in a friend’s name, or pack up some housewares to give to a local refugee resettlement program. (Find more ideas on our Giving Back page!)
  8. Look for reasons to laugh.
    There’s nothing quite as fulfilling and gratifying as sharing a joyous laugh with people you care about. Gretchen Rubin shares her thoughts on listening, laughter and connection in this blog post about bringing more light-heartedness into her life (look for even more great ideas in the comments).
  9. Do something spontaneous.
    Routine can make life less stressful… and it can also be a real buzzkill. Find joy in the everyday by surprising your kids with a stop at a favorite playground on the way home or grabbing a co-worker to run out for a mid-afternoon ice cream cone.
  10. Call your grandma.
    It doesn’t have to be your grandma — when was the last time you had a one-on-one conversation with your favorite uncle, cousin or college roommate? Surprise someone you care about with a spur-of-the-moment catch-up call.

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